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since 1998!

Paypal Merchant since 1998

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Does your friend collect a certain type of animal? (Hippos, Rhinos, Cats, Dogs, etc..) Just fill out the form below and we will let them know about our site.

If they place an order $50.00 or more, you will receive 10% off your next order and so will they!

Tell us the items that your friend collects:

Your Name:

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Your Friend's Name:

Your Friend's E-mail:

Your Comments:

How did you hear about us?:


Please contact us with any questions: [email protected]



Copyright © The Collector's Addition 2000-2017, all rights both domestic and international are reserved. The entire contents of this website – (including but not limited to text, graphics, photos, and source codes) are copyrighted as a collected work under the United States Copyright Act. Copying, transmitting, or reproduction is not allowed without the express written consent of The Collector’s Addition.